Beverage Industry/Breweries
Process technique for
- Yeast storage/propagation
- Fermentation cellar
- Storage cellar
- BBT cellar
- Cleaning plants (CIP)
- Media supply (water, air, CO2, CO2-recovery, exhaust air, steam, condensate)
- Cold supply
Pre-assembled units for
- Pipe fence elements, panels, valve blocks
- Wort aeration, carbonation
- Foam separator
- CIP plants
- Concentrate stations
- Pump stations
- Separator-heat exchanger, e.g., glycol cooling
Projects in 2013:
- Modification of hot water circle in brew house
- New yeast cellar with yeast storage and yeast propagation
- Expansion of fermentation cellar, top-fermented (open fermentation), incl. cold supply
- Expansion of storage cellar (top-/bottom fermented), incl. cold supply for a brewery with 80.000 hl/a
- New re-use CIP plant, filtrate
- Execution planning of cold supply (ammonia/glycol) for a new brewery with 500.000 hl/a
- Concept planning of cold supply (ammonia/glycol) for a new brewery with 5 Mio. hl/a
- Expansion of a CIP plant (aseptic) for mineral water production
- Engineering for expansion of a fermentation-/storage cellar, incl. process optimization